Academic Departments » Mathematics » Mathematics


The goal of Twin Peaks' Math Department is that all of our students will be competent, creative problems solvers with deep math understanding. Math skills and problem solving strategies continually build throughout a student's progression from elementary grades through middle school into high school. Instruction is standards based and achievement is measured by mastery of course standards. Below are a list of courses offered at Twin Peaks Middle School along with each of the teachers.

Math Levels/Teachers:
  • 6th Grade Math -  Mrs. Cruz, Mrs. Andrade, Ms. Mitten
  • 6th/7th Grade Math Accelerated - Mrs. Cruz
  • 7th Grade Math - Ms. Chung, Mrs. Andrade, Mrs. Nainani, Ms. Lopez, Ms. Mitten
  • 7th/8th Grade Math Accelerated - Mrs. Jimenez Bautista
  • Math 8 - Mr. Jackson, Mrs. Jimenez Bautista, Ms. Nelson
  • Integrated Math - Ms. Chung


At TPMS we encourage students to take advantage of our block schedule and always do their homework the day it's assigned. This way the content is the most fresh and allows students a day in between classes to visit their teacher at RAM to ask any questions/get help. Students should also make use of their notebook/class notes (many teachers also post their notes on My Connect or Synergy for students/parents to reference). The district provided Student and Parent Resource page on My Connect can also be helpful (listed ACE answers, worked problems, aligned extra practice, etc). It is also important to let students work through the assignments with a parent asking leading questions to help guide them. Don't rush to help or do the work for them. If a student is stuck the best thing to do is to help them figure out what their confusion is and be ready with a question to the teacher (preferably at RAM). Students can also make use of available Power Hours.


Math Support for CMP3 - Click the icon below to access the district webpage with tools to support your child! CMP3