Contacts/Calendars » Contacts » Student Services Specialist

Student Services Specialist

Student Support Services

Room 419 (across from the quad)
Hours:  9:00 am - 4:30 pm M/W
              9:00 am - 2:30 pm T/Th/F


When you're feeling anxious, overwhelmed, stressed out, or just need to talk, we're here to help you. We are available to assist students, staff and parents.


Meet the TPMS Student Services Specialist


Deanna Bernsen [email protected]

(858) 748-5131, extension 2414


Please reach out if you would like some additional support, a friendly person to talk with or just need to take a break.   Visit Mrs. Bernsen in room 419 during break, lunch or other times during the day with teacher permission.  If you would like to schedule a time to chat you can message me through Canvas, email me or come into my office and we can arrange a time that works best for you.


Student Services: Additional Services & Resources Available

Confidential, individual and/or group support

Stress, Anxiety & Depression Support

Lunch Bunch (students can come into a smaller and supportive environment to eat their lunch, play games and make new friends)

Stop Vaping Support and Printed Resources

Mental Well-being Printed Resources

Crisis Intervention, Conflict Mediation


Through parent donations, we are able to support you with:

School supplies and a healthy snack (if you forgot to bring one)


Parent donations that are greatly appreciated include: individually wrapped healthy snacks, bread/bagels, and peanut butter/jelly. Donations can be dropped off at the front office.


Club & Organization Connections

Club Live & SAVE Promise Club – help students feel welcome and connected to TPMS through activities, rallies and beautification projects

Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA) club – where students in our LGBTQIA+ community and their allies come together to support each other

Hope Squad - peer to peer suicide prevention training program

San Diego County 24-hour crisis line 1-888-724-7240